leave of absence request form for teachers

How Long Do Teachers Get for Maternity Leave? (and 6 more helpful facts)

How long do teachers get for maternity leave? That’s a complicated question that depends on factors like state law, local teachers’ unions, and each family’s financial situation. Keep reading for the full breakdown below, and to learn more about federal protections for every teacher in the United States. Also included in this article are helpful…

individual math data wall for the classroom

How to Design an Easy Classroom Data Wall (plus 3 other data tracking ideas)

A classroom data wall can build student ownership of learning, be an opportunity for celebration and reflection, and can push kids to grow quickly! It doesn’t have to be embarrassing or so high stakes that kids get anxious about their performance. One teacher in our building has crafted the perfect classroom data wall, and I…

teacher desk with outward facing storage

6 Clever Teacher Desk Ideas to Spruce Up Your Classroom Today

Whether you’re just feeling disorganized or want to get more creative about your teacher desk, we can help! Here are some teacher desk ideas that will help you think outside the box and solve your organizational problems. You might also like some of our teacher desk alternatives! As an Amazon Associate, I earn pennies on…

9 Classroom Lighting Ideas for Improved Creativity (and fewer headaches!)

9 Classroom Lighting Ideas for Improved Creativity (and fewer headaches!)

This year, I’ve had the opportunity to spend lots of time in classrooms as an instructional coach. Some teachers avoid overhead lights entirely, many others will turn on half of their fluorescents, and some use fabric over their lights to dim the harshness of the bulbs. The strongest teachers in our building use lighting to…

groovy work

25 Cute Elementary Classroom Themes (12 from my own school!)

If you teach little ones, you probably feel the pressure to have an exciting new classroom theme every year, even if it’s just coordinating the colors in your space. These are some cute elementary classroom themes if you’re due for a change!  Why is it important to have a cute elementary classroom theme? Classroom themes…

organized classroom hacks - color coded drawers with student numbers

15 Organized Classroom Hacks that Will Transform Your School Year

Sometimes, the most creative and passionate teachers struggle to keep an organized classroom. Having a gorgeous, streamlined classroom doesn’t make you a great teacher, but it sure can help keep you sane, and it has lots of other benefits, too! The truth is that organization and time management don’t come naturally to everyone. Is this…