The Best Chapter Books for 2nd Grade Girls
I’ve got a little girl who LOVES to read, and we own all of these books. These are the best chapter books for 2nd grade girls. My daughter will literally read anything, but she does have her favorites. She prefers fantasy, adventurous female protagonists, mysteries in small doses, and she seems interested in social justice leaders. And, like every other kid on the planet, she loves the Wimpy Kid, despite him being a boy.
I cannot get this girl into historical fiction, so she won’t have anything to do with American Girl books. Bummer, but that’s getting a bit picky! She’ll enjoy non-fiction once in a while, but it’s not her favorite go-to genre.
Many of the books on this list are around a guided reading level M (plus or minus a couple of levels), so the average 2nd grader will do great with them! If your child is an average reader just entering 2nd grade, you’ll want to look for them to read books independently at a level K. The average reader will end 2nd grade reading on a level M.
The more advanced books on this list are still wonderful to read aloud together, which will build the stamina of your second grader, and expose them to vocabulary they need. These books are highly appropriate for second grade.
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Best Beginning Chapter Books for 2nd Graders
Best Average Difficulty Chapter Books for 2nd Grade Readers
Best Advanced Chapter Books for 2nd Grade Girls
Here are all my favorite chapter books for kids in one spot!